The number of uninsured children increased in 2023 as states began unwinding the continuous coverage protection that prevented eligible children and adults from being disenrolled from Medicaid during the COVID-19 public health emergency. A more up-to-date and in depth look at how the unwinding impacted Medicaid/CHIP is available on Georgetown CCF’s website.
State Profile
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Coverage Trends
Health care coverage is important for children because it improves access to pediatrician-recommended care and services that support healthy development. When children get the health care they need, they are more likely to succeed in school, graduate from high school and attend college, earn higher wages, and grow up into healthy adults. Scroll down for an in-depth look at child health care trends in this state.
Uninsured Virginia
Year | Value |
2008 | 9.7 percent |
2009 | 9 percent |
2010 | 8.5 percent |
2011 | 7.9 percent |
2012 | 7.5 percent |
2013 | 7.5 percent |
2014 | 6.3 percent |
2015 | 5.1 percent |
2016 | 4.7 percent |
2017 | 5 percent |
2018 | 5.2 percent |
2019 | 5.7 percent |
2020 | No Data percent |
2021 | 5.4 percent |
2022 | 5.1 percent |
2023 | 5.4 percent |
Year | Value |
2008 | 7.5 percent |
2009 | 6.9 percent |
2010 | 6.9 percent |
2011 | 6.2 percent |
2012 | 6 percent |
2013 | 5.8 percent |
2014 | 6.1 percent |
2015 | 5.1 percent |
2016 | 5 percent |
2017 | 5.1 percent |
2018 | 5.1 percent |
2019 | 4.9 percent |
2020 | No Data percent |
2021 | 4.4 percent |
2022 | 4.4 percent |
2023 | 4.6 percent |
Rank among states 2023
Children without insurance in 2023, by age Virginia
Source: Georgetown University Center for Children and Families analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau 2023 American Community Survey (ACS), Table S2701: Selected Characteristics of Health Insurance Coverage in the United States.
Children without insurance, by Race Virginia
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Black/African American
Source: Georgetown University Center for Children and Families analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau 2017-2023 American Community Survey (ACS), Tables C27001A-I: Health Insurance Coverage Status by Age. Triangles indicate change is statistically significant at the 90% confidence level relative to the prior year indicated. Blank data indicates that an estimate is not available due to insufficient sample. In 2020, the Census Bureau made changes to the ACS race and ethnicity questions, which may affect health coverage comparisons related to race and ethnicity. As a result, the Census Bureau recommends caution in comparing 2019-2021 ACS estimates related to race and caution in comparing both 2019-2021 and 2021-2022 ACS estimates related to ethnicity.
Children without insurance, by Ethnicity Virginia
Not Hispanic/Latino
Source: Georgetown University Center for Children and Families analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau 2017-2023 American Community Survey (ACS), Tables C27001A-I: Health Insurance Coverage Status by Age. Triangles indicate change is statistically significant at the 90% confidence level relative to the prior year indicated. Blank data indicates that an estimate is not available due to insufficient sample. In 2020, the Census Bureau made changes to the ACS race and ethnicity questions, which may affect health coverage comparisons related to race and ethnicity. As a result, the Census Bureau recommends caution in comparing 2019-2021 ACS estimates related to race and caution in comparing both 2019-2021 and 2021-2022 ACS estimates related to ethnicity.
Children without insurance in 2023, by poverty threshold Virginia
Child Uninsured Rate by Poverty Threshold: Income by Percentage/Dollars in Virginia
Source: Georgetown University Center for Children and Families analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau 2023 American Community Survey (ACS), Table B27016: Health Insurance Coverage Status and Type by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months by Age. Census Poverty Thresholds differ from the Poverty Guidelines (commonly known as the Federal Poverty Level or FPL) determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and may differ considerably for the separate FPLs that HHS determines for Alaska and Hawaii. Dollar amounts shown reflect 2024 Poverty Guidelines.
How are children covered? Virginia
Sources of Coverage for Children in Virginia
Participation in Medicaid/CHIP Virginia
Year | Value |
2008 | 80 percent |
2009 | 83.3 percent |
2010 | 86.2 percent |
2011 | 88.1 percent |
2012 | 87.5 percent |
2013 | 89.1 percent |
2014 | 87.8 percent |
2015 | 90.7 percent |
2016 | 90.7 percent |
2017 | 92 percent |
2018 | 92.2 percent |
2019 | 93 percent |
Year | Value |
2008 | 81.7 percent |
2009 | 84.3 percent |
2010 | 85.8 percent |
2011 | 87.2 percent |
2012 | 88.1 percent |
2013 | 88.7 percent |
2014 | 90.6 percent |
2015 | 92.8 percent |
2016 | 93.4 percent |
2017 | 92.8 percent |
2018 | 92.8 percent |
2019 | 91.9 percent |
Source: Haley, J., et al., “Uninsurance Rose among Children and Parents in 2019: National and State Patterns,” (Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute, July 2021); and Haley, J., et al., “Progress in Children’s Coverage Continued to Stall Out in 2018: Trends in Children’s Uninsurance and Medicaid/CHIP Participation,” (Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute, October 2020).
Many children eligible for Medicaid/CHIP may not be enrolled. The Medicaid/CHIP child participation rates show the percentage of eligible children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP.
Who Qualifies? Virginia
Eligibility: Upper income threshold for Medicaid/CHIP
- Children under 19 (family of three)
- Parents (family of three)
- Pregnant women (family of three)
- Single adults without dependent children
Policy Options
Medicaid is a primary source of health insurance for children, providing guaranteed coverage, pediatrician recommended services, and premium and cost-sharing protections. Each state has the flexibility to design its program within federal guidelines as a condition of federal matching funds. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) builds on Medicaid to cover children in working families who are not eligible for Medicaid but cannot afford private coverage. Each state designs its program within federal parameters (and can expand Medicaid and/or establish a separate state program) but all CHIP programs provide affordable coverage with pediatric-appropriate benefits and networks. Within Medicaid and CHIP, states have several policy options available to help remove barriers to health coverage and improve children’s enrollment and retention. Scroll down to see which policy options this state is leveraging to improve health coverage.
Policy options Virginia
- Multi-Year Continuous Child Eligibility (Medicaid)
- Multi-Year Continuous Child Eligibility (CHIP)
- No CHIP Waiting Period
- Child Eligibility for Lawfully Residing Immigrants (Medicaid)
- Child Eligibility for Lawfully Residing Immigrants (CHIP)
- Presumptive Eligibility for Children's Coverage (Medicaid)
- Presumptive Eligibility for Children's Coverage (CHIP)
- Allow Schools to be Reimbursed for Medicaid Services without IEP
- Medicaid Expansion
- Eligibility for Lawfully Residing Immigrants during Pregnancy (Medicaid)
- Eligibility for Lawfully Residing Immigrants during Pregnancy (CHIP)
- Eligibility for From-Conception-to-End-of-Pregnancy Option in CHIP
Formerly called "Unborn Child Option"
- Postpartum Coverage12 months
Section 1115 Demonstration
- Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnancy Coverage (Medicaid)
- Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnancy Coverage (CHIP)
Quality of Care
Medicaid has been successful in providing children with a usual source of care while significantly reducing unmet or delayed needs for medical care, dental care, and prescription drugs due to costs. Focus on improving the quality of care for children covered by Medicaid/CHIP is critical to eliminating health disparities and further boosting the broader, long-term impacts of public coverage on children as evidenced by studies showing that Medicaid leads to better health, higher educational achievement, and greater economic success later in life. As Medicaid increasingly turns to private managed care as the primary delivery system, measuring quality is a critical check on plan performance in providing required services and benefits. The Child Core Set, a set of standardized, evidence-based measures to assess the quality of care and health outcomes for children covered by Medicaid/CHIP, are an important tool for measuring how states are performing. Reporting is currently voluntary for states, but reporting of these measures will be mandatory in 2024. Scroll down to learn more about how this state is performing on health care quality measures.
Quality Measures Virginia
Virginia reporting on Primary Care Access and Preventive Care, 2022
Primary Care Access and Preventive Care
VA RateWorstMedianBestWell-Child Visits: First 15 Months of Life (6 or more)
Well-Child Visits: 15th-30th Months of Life (2 or more)
Well-Care Visits: Ages 3-11
Well-Care Visits: Ages 12-17
Well-Care Visits: Ages 18-21
Well-Care Visits: Ages 3-21
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine by Second Birthday
Two Flu Vaccinations by their Second Birthday
Combination 3 Immunizations by Second Birthday
Combination 10 Immunizations by Second Birthday
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunization Series by 13th Birthday
Combination 1 Immunizations by 13th Birthday
Chlamydia Screening in Sexually Active Women: Ages 16-20
Body Mass Index Percentile Documentation: Ages 3-17
Counseling for Nutrition: Ages 3-17
Counseling for Physical Activity: Ages 3-17
Virginia reporting on Care of Acute and Chronic Conditions, 2022
Care of Acute and Chronic Conditions
VA RateWorstMedianBestAsthma Medication Ratio: Ages 5-11
Asthma Medication Ratio: Ages 12-18
Asthma Medication Ratio: Ages 5-18
Virginia reporting on Behavioral Health Care, 2022
Behavioral Health Care
VA RateWorstMedianBestFollow-Up Visit After Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness or Intentional Self-Harm: Ages 6-17 (Within 7 Days)
Follow-Up Visit After Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness or Intentional Self-Harm: Ages 6-17 (Within 30 Days)
Follow-Up Visit After Hospitalization for Mental Illness or Intentional Self-Harm: Ages 6-17 (Within 7 Days)
Follow-Up Visit After Hospitalization for Mental Illness or Intentional Self-Harm: Ages 6-17 (Within 30 Days)
Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication: Ages 6-12 (1 Visit During 30 Day Initiation Phase)
Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication: Ages 6-12 (At Least 2 Visits During 9 Month Continuation/Maintenance Phase)
Use of First-Line Psychosocial Care for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics: Ages 1-17
Blood Glucose Testing for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics: Ages 1-17
Cholesterol Testing for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics: Ages 1-17
Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Testing for Children and Adolescents on Antipsychotics: Ages 1-17
Virginia reporting on Maternal and Perinatal Health, 2022
Maternal and Perinatal Health
VA RateWorstMedianBestTimeliness of Prenatal Care: Within the First Trimester or 42 Days of Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment
Postpartum Care: At Least One Visit 7-84 Days after Delivery
Low-Risk Cesarean Delivery
Low Weight Live Births Weighing Less Than 2,500 Grams
Maternal & Early Childhood
The health of children and pregnant women has been a long-standing national priority and Medicaid has been the primary means of backing up this commitment. A child’s brain develops most rapidly in the earliest months and years of life, building the foundation for future lifelong success. Healthy child development begins with healthy parents who have access to health coverage before, during and after a pregnancy. The bonds and relationships formed in the earliest years of a child’s life shape their early learning and development. Medicaid, along with CHIP, serves the vast majority of children in low-income families and covers about half of U.S. births each year. Scroll down to learn more about how this state is doing on child and maternal health care.
Quality Measures Virginia
Virginia reporting on Maternal and Perinatal Health, 2022
Maternal and Perinatal Health
VA RateWorstMedianBestTimeliness of Prenatal Care: Within the First Trimester or 42 Days of Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment
Postpartum Care: At Least One Visit 7-84 Days after Delivery
Low-Risk Cesarean Delivery
Low Weight Live Births Weighing Less Than 2,500 Grams
This information was collected from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF) Children’s Health Care Report Card. CCF is a nonpartisan policy and research center, based at the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Health Policy Institute, with a mission to expand and improve high-quality, affordable health coverage for America’s children and families.